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Non Toxic Skincare Ingredients

Writer's picture: shoplindashealthylshoplindashealthyl

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

Many of us are concerned with what foods we put in our bodies, but, do you think about what we put ON our bodies? It's up to each one of us to be vigilant and become "Ingredient Activists".

At Linda's Healthy Living each day we aim to be as healthy as we can be! It seems that there is a new onslaught of chemicals in our foods and personal care products each and every day! In the EU over 3000 chemicals are banned from personal care products and in the US, sadly only 11 are banned from this very same category! Skincare products are absorbed into the bloodstream, and chemicals used in our personal care products can be found in our bodies. Companies make many claims about their products' ability to help our skin with moisture and restoring capabilities, but do the good aspects outweigh the powerful toxins in many commercial products?

>the average woman is exposed to over 160 chemicals in just 12 different products

>Many of the ingredients found in personal care products are known carcinogens and hormone disruptors. We avoid phthalates, for example in all of our products as they are known hormone disruptors, associated with cancer. Possible side effects include weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, skin issues, hormone imbalance, and insomnia.

>The Environmental Working Group has conducted a study which shows chemicals like

parabens, phthalates and tricosan are found in blood and urine samples

>It takes only 26 seconds for anything you put on your skin to enter your bloodstream.

When we eat foods, at least they go through our liver to help detox, but with skincare products, they go right into your bloodstream.

>With new chemicals created each year to help extend shelf life and boost profits, its

hard to keep up with toxic ingredients added on a daily basis to our products.

>So, what do you do? You can become more aware!

There are a number of chemicals to avoid in your skincare products.

> Parabens are a group of chemicals that are preservatives and are hormone disruptors in our bodies.

They are used to prevent spoilage and extend shelf life to boost profits. They are

found in almost all categories of skincare products. Parabens imitate estrogen,

putting a stress on our liver. Studies suggest that early puberty in young girls, may be

associated with exposure to parabens that mimic estrogen.

How to avoid parabens, just look for anything on the label that has the word paraben in it, i.e., methylparaben,


>EDTA- a know skin irritant, it is used extensively in soaps and cosmetics. It is even is products known for "sensitve skin". This ingredient is used to prevent rancidity, like

TBHQ, another potent preservative and may contain dangerous levels of dioxane, a

by-product of manufacturing that is also carcinogenic. EDTA is also used to

enhance penetrability, so it is designed to go into your skin quickly. There have been some case reports of sensitive individuals developing eczema after using cream with tetrasodium EDTA, and it’s known to be a potent eye irritant. It can also be slow to degrade, making it a poor choice for environmental health.

We use other alternatives, like a bit of coconut and castor oil for lather. I would much rather nourish my skin with natural ingredients I know to be safe, rather than take a risk with a man made synthetic chemical, harsh, and potentially harmful.

To avoid this ingredient, watch for these on the label:

  • Edetate sodium

  • Tetrasodium edetate

  • Tetrasodium salt


>Sulfates are artificial foaming agents. They are in many products, including

toothpaste, shampoos and countless other products we use on our bodies. A byproduct of sulfates is nitrosamines, widely considered carcinogenic.

Ingredients to avoid are SLS for example, known as sodium laureth sulfate.

>Phthalates are in anything with a fragrance. They are protected by the FDA under

proprietary fragrance laws. The FDA says on their website, the only way to avoid

them is to purchase items that are labeled "unscented". Phthalates are hormone

disruptors and are connected with problems like thyroid health, low sperm counts, weight gain, blood pressure and asthma. In addition, since they are so pervasive in everything manufactured, from deodorants to garbage can liners and toilet paper, they contribute to our earth's pollution and drinking water. Look on the label for these abbreviations: BBP, DBP, DEP, DINP and DNOP, but remember, they do not need to be listed if they are in fragrance.

>Oxybenzone is an ingredient in many sunscreens, is concerning as it is a questionable ingredient due to its toxic properties. It can be detected on the skin and of course in the bloodstream many weeks after use. To avoid this, simply choose sunscreens that are mineral based. Many are choosing to avoid sunglasses to help sunlight enter our eyes and help our bodies make melanin and avoid sunburn. Using protection like hats, long sleeve light weight cotton clothing helps protect us against sunburn as well.

When I traveled to China, i observed that the Chinese people widely use umbrellas for sun protection. I recently went to DisneyWorld and brought along a sun umbrella that worked well to keep me shaded and a bit cooler too!

>Phenoxyethanol is showing up in many "clean" or "greenwashed" companies, who say

they are paraben free and use this instead! This is a particularly sneaky deceptive

marketing practice, as people are searching for less toxic solutions. Phenoxyethanol

is another endocrine disruptor and is harmful as a skin irritant and should not be

inhaled or swallowed.

Linda's Healthy Living believes in and makes products that are free of toxins, made the way our ancestors made them. We use recognizable ingredients like grass fed and finished vaxx and antibiotic free Tallow, emu oil, frankincense, calendula, farm fresh goat's milk and olive oil. Here are some of our favorites! Tallow Balm, Blueberry Seed Age Defying Serum, and our 100% Organic Regimen Facial Bar!



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